While the weather has been on and off here in NC, Steve and I have been plugging away the best we can with the 850R. The most recent work we did was a restoration of the exterior trim, as well as maintenance in the engine day. For the trim restoration we used Chemical Bros. VRP and some old microfibers, and well the results speak for themselves.
This is the passenger side, rear door trim after 1 pass with the VRP. The difference in person is astounding, and after a few more passes (once the sun is back) the trim will really look as good as new.
The upper engine cover / air filter cover also significantly benefited from the VRP. This piece needed a bit of soap and water before we used any chemicals on it. After a few heavy passes it started to regain its color, however the raised grille sections in the middle seem to need a second pass and maybe a wet sand to fully restore their color. It was also from this removal of the cover that we discovered how gross the cabin air filter was!
The engine day with the cover removed, and before detailing.
The nasty cabin air filter, replaced with a new Napa Auto Parts piece.
After replacing the cabin air filter, we detailed the engine bay for good mesaure. We used a shop vac to remove all of the leaves and grime that had built up in all the tiny areas of the engine bay.
The drain hose from the upper engine cover, completely filled with junk!
We are still hoping to get the throttle body mod done soon, so stay tuned!