So I had planned to make a write up on the 780 Bertone much before this month, but with work slowing down it was time to get in the holiday spirit of spending money and actually work on the 780. To make this simple for myself to follow (since it has been a slow couple of months tinkering with the car), I wanted to get a list made of everything I had marked down that the car needed when I got it. As follows:
Passenger side hood latch not catching
Radio mast bent / broken
Radio not working
Light fault warning
Poor idle
Broken drivers seat controls
Oil Change
Brakes going to floor
Check coolant
Electrical gremlins in dash / lighting system
Suspension damage
Exhaust rust
Interior needs lots of TLC
Quite the extensive list I know. One of the first the first things I wanted to tackle was the mechanical bits and bobs so that I could actually drive the thing without it stalling or hitting a tree. First up was the brakes. I was told when I got the car that they were bad, and I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Got the car up on the rack and removed the wheels hoping that maybe it was just air in the lines.
After a full flush, it was becoming apparent that it was NOT a problem with air in the lines, but an issue with the master cylinder bleeding off pressure. Luckily brake master cylinders for these cars are shared with the 700 series as a whole, and as such I was able to get a good reman. one for the cheap.
The reservoir was cleaned thoroughly to ensure all the old crusty fluid was not going to contaminate the new master.
Thankfully installing one of these is just 2 bolts and 2 hardlines, and within an hour the new system was installed and bled. Now, the car could easily drive itself around the shop yard without being a complete risk of rolling away.
Next in the process was the hood / grille situation. I would like to mention that this car is repainted, and due to this many of the little trim pieces and parts have been removed and reinstalled. The grille was fixed in such a way that it was skewed at an angle, and this was quickly fixed by setting it correctly into its spot and using a new push tab to secure it.
The moisture in the headlight was easily remedied with a fan pointed into a funnel which was inserted into the bulb hole.
One of the larger issues was the hood not latching on one side, and I will preface this by saying that my “fix” still isnt 100% however it does work. These cars use a cable that pulls two releases (one on each side of the hood). One of these latches, due to the nature of the cable stretching over time, does not like to reset back into place once pulled, causing the hood to not properly relatch. Two adjustments were made for this, one in the car where the cable handle can be tightened to pull out slack, and greasing of the mechanism to help it return to its place. Unfortunately it still wants to stay in the open position, however it can be easily returned to place with a small flathead.
The silver bar slides over the hood bar to latch into place.
Moving into the engine bay, I wanted to start tackling the idle and rough running issues I was experiencing with the car. Thankfully, the previous owner had left a lot of new parts in the trunk for me to install like spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor, distributor cap, and few other odds and ends. I figured I would throw all these parts into the car and see where it got me.
After the install of all these parts, unfortunately I was still getting a seeking idle as well as a slight misfire above 2500RPM. Time to hit the books, and really get my hands dirty with this motor.